New Year, New …….

A new year brings thoughts of new plans, new promises (can I keep this “P” alliteration going??!), and new projects! (Yes - kept it going!) I’ve had those ideas floating around in my head for a bit. Though I’m sorry to say that you’d never know it from my blog. It’s been dormant for a couple of months - not a good thing. That needs to change. (Plans, and Promises)

I have been busy on my goal to use new-to-me products in making cards. There will be pictures in a future post. I’ve also found some “kindred spirits” online in the card-making world. Others who are interested in finding ways to use the supplies you already have to stretch your cardmaking skills and techniques. That’s right where I am! I also have a Project I want to start doing: selling cards at our local monthly craft/farmer’s market. That’s a big step for me!!

I’ve spent some time re-organizing my craft and sewing room. I find great delight in organization! Time organization is also something that I’ve been tweaking since I retired. I believe I’m getting my daily schedule to gel. I get up early and walk around the neighborhood. It’s like a “quiet time” for me - a time for reflection and refreshment.

Big ole tomato plants with lots of tomatoes in my raised bed.

We are expecting some very cold weather - for us in the Houston area - this coming weekend. I have had a wonderful little garden in a raised bed that my sweet hubby put together and filled with soil. There have been 2 tomato plants that grew the best I’ve ever seen. I pulled up the plants because of the freeze we’re supposed to get, after I picked about 25 or so tomatoes! They are now all lined up on my kitchen window sill. I’m hoping they turn red. If not, I guess I’ll be making fried green tomatoes!! That little raised bed has been great! I tried growing radishes and had a wonderful crop. So many radishes that we needed a different way to eat them than in a salad. I tried roasting them. It worked pretty well - made them much less sharp-tasting.

My January tomato crop!

Just pulled radishes - dirt and all!

These are pictures showing the garden bed, the tomato crop, part of the radish crop, and me on a very cold morning walk (the mask helped keep me warm). These are some of the things that give me joy. I pray you find and pursue the things that give YOU joy!! God Bless!!


Paper Pack Christmas Cards and Cricut


Time for Retirement, Old Friend